Librarians swarm BugFest

Librarians are neither creepy nor crawly, but they infested the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in September for its annual BugFest, a free educational event that offers over 100 exhibits, presentations, crafts, games, and activities that introduce the public to bugs from all parts of the world.

Over 20 NCSU Libraries staff, and some of their family members, volunteered at BugFest, staffing an exhibit called "Ask Us: We Won't Be Bugged!" Support Services Associate Jordan Moose designed a special BugFest stamp which University Library Technician Jack Twiddy and Cyma Rubin Fellow Lauren DiMonte created in the D. H. Hill Jr. Makerspace. Visitors brought their festival passports to the NCSU Libraries exhibit for stamping.

The Libraries’ exhibit featured fun family activities like origami cicadas and butterflies, coloring sheets based on E. A. Seguy images from the Special Collections Research Center, edible bug recipes from books in the collections, and an insectoid bibliography compiled by Veterinary Medicine Library director Kristine Alpi and Libraries Fellow James Cheng.